大學部課程 (Undergraduate courses)

品質管制 (Quality Control)

   Quality Control

Textbook PPT

個人心得報告-至少一頁 (Individual essay, at least one page)
    學期末繳交(Submit it on the end of the course.)

    Essay is a comprehensive study report, which might include the following:
    1. Describe the most helpful subjects that can enhance your problem solving  skills.
    2. Address how you can apply those subjects in the career as a quality professional.
    3. What are the benefits from learning those subjects?
    範例1, 範例2   

團體期末報告包括口頭報告及書面報告(Group project including oral presentation and final report)
    1. 口頭報告(Oral presentation examples) (Peer assessment)

    2. 書面報告(Final report examples- submit after oral presentation)


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